Happy Wednesday!
How are Meredith and Natalie ONE?! I can’t believe I am sitting down to write their one year update. Granted I’m two weeks late in posting this, but that’s mom life right? This has been the fastest year of my life and I’m in shock that I have two toddlers on my hands!
The days leading up to their birthday were very emotional for me and I cried multiple times if I’m being honest. I am so excited for this new phase with the girls but it’s bittersweet saying goodbye to the baby days. I just didn’t expect it to go by so fast and I really thought I would have more time with them as babies. But time tends to fly by! This last month has been so fun and the girls are developing and learning faster than I can comprehend!
If you missed the girls’ previous monthly updates, you can read them here:
Our Girls Are Here! Identical Twin C-Section Birth Story
Identical Twins: One Month Update
Identical Twins: Two Month Update
Identical Twins: Three Month Update
Identical Twins: Four Month Update
Identical Twins: Five Month Update
Identical Twins: Six Month Update
Identical Twins: Seven Month Update
Identical Twins: Eight Month Update
Identical Twins: Nine Month Update
Identical Twins: Ten Month Update
Identical Twins: Eleven Month Update
Weight/Length: Meredith weighs 19 pounds, 2 ounces and is 29.7 inches long.
Clothing Size: She is in 12 month clothes for the most part, although 18 month shirts fit her.
Likes: Clapping, playing peekaboo, and playing on the jumping dog and rocking horse.
Dislikes: Absolutely hates diaper changes and clothing changes. It is an Olympic sport to get this girl dressed!
Milestones: She had 3 more teeth come in this month (5 total teeth) and she started waving!
Weight/Length: Natalie weighs 20 pounds, 10 ounces and is 29.9 inches long.
Clothing Size: She is in mostly 12 month clothes, but 18 month shirts fit her.
Likes: Waving, laughing, and absolutely loves the dogs!
Dislikes: Not a fan of diaper changes.
Milestones: She had 4 more teeth come in this month (7 total teeth) and she learned to wave!
Both Girls
Sleep: They are still sleeping great! They take two 1-1.5 hour naps a day and are sleeping about 12 hours at night. Woo hoo!
Food/Eating: The girls are eating great! They were taking four 4-6oz bottles a day and having 3 meals a day when they turned one. We got the ok at their one-year pediatrician appointment to switch to whole milk and we started that transition the day after their appointment. I’m happy to report that the girls are now completely switched to whole milk and sippy cups! They did great with the transition and it was much smoother than I expected. We also did allergy testing at their appointment which revealed they do not have an egg allergy, so that’s good news! We are going to slowly introduce egg again to the girls and see how it goes.
Schedule: We tweaked their schedule a little bit this month and it has helped a lot with their naps. Their second nap of the day was starting to be really hit and miss but the schedule change has solved our problem. There have been a lot of changes in the last few weeks between dropping bottles, extending awake time, and pushing back bedtime, but the girls have done great! In case you’re interested, I will write their schedule below:
6:30/7AM: Girls wake up and have a sippy cup of milk and a small snack. Then playtime!
8AM: Breakfast, followed by more playtime.
9:30AM – 11:00AM: Nap
11AM: Sippy cup of milk (which they will sip on during lunch too), followed by playtime.
12PM: Lunch and more playtime. They will also have a snack before their nap.
2PM-3:30PM: Nap.
3:30PM: Water and a snack, followed by playtime.
5PM: Dinner, usually followed by a walk or outside time. (We also go outside at various other points in the day).
6:15PM: Start bedtime routine. This consists of the last sippy cup of milk for the day, bath if it’s bath night, pajamas, lotion, brushing teeth, and a little bit more playtime before bed.
6:45/7PM: Bed! (The girls usually talk and play in their cribs for a bit, but are typically asleep around 7).
Mom and Dad: Chris and I are doing great! We are having so much fun with the girls as they turn into toddlers. Their personalities are really coming out and they are a joy to be around! They are very happy babies and we get comments often about how much they smile. It makes us feel like we are doing something right! Raising two tiny humans is hard work!
And now for more pictures of the babies 🙂
And there you have it! A year in the life of raising twins! It is truly such a blessing to raise these little girls and I am thankful every day to be Meredith and Natalie’s mom!
Bear with me as I figure out what the future holds for this little blog of mine! Hopefully you will be hearing more from me soon.
Until next time!
[…] been awhile since I’ve posted on my blog, but I’m back! Life has been a little crazy since the girls […]