Happy Wednesday!
How am I writing Meredith and Natalie’s 10 month update? The closer we get to their first birthday, the more emotional I am! Every milestone is exciting but bittersweet. I didn’t expect time to go by as fast as it has and now my babies are turning into little toddlers right before my eyes! I just can’t believe it!
If you missed the girls’ previous monthly updates, you can read them here:
Identical Twins: One Month Update
Identical Twins: Two Month Update
Identical Twins: Three Month Update
Identical Twins: Four Month Update
Identical Twins: Five Month Update
Identical Twins: Six Month Update
Identical Twins: Seven Month Update
Identical Twins: Eight Month Update
Identical Twins: Nine Month Update
Weight/Length: We didn’t have a well check this month and I haven’t gotten a chance to try and weigh her. So we have no idea how long she is or how much she weighs!
Clothing Size: She still fits in 9 month clothes but barely. She is mostly in 12 month clothing and I can’t believe it!
Likes: Crawling and standing. She is our little explorer and wants to be on the move all the time!
Dislikes: She doesn’t like being confined so she has started getting upset when we put her in the high chair. But as soon as food appears, she’s happy as can be.
Milestones: Sitting up independently and pulling up. She also started eating finger food this month! Meredith is saying several words such as dada, mama, gaga, lala, baba.
Weight/Length: We didn’t have a well check this month and I haven’t gotten a chance to try and weigh her. So we have no idea how long she is or how much she weighs!
Clothing Size: Mostly 12 month! She can still fit in some 9 month clothing but it’s tight.
Likes: She loves the dogs. Natalie giggles anytime Lyssa or Levi come by and she seems to really love animals. She also loves bath time and laughing.
Dislikes: Being changed. She has started trying to roll away during all diaper and clothing changes and it makes it so hard to get her dressed!
Milestones: This month Natalie started sitting up independently and crawling. She is also pulling up and eating finger foods. She’s our little talker and is constantly saying her favorite word: dada!
Both Girls
Sleep: Oh gosh, where do I start on this topic? Sleep is so hit and miss for us and it has been since the girls were born honestly. We go through periods of good sleep and periods of terrible sleep. Lately the girls have been sleeping better but they are still waking up once a night each usually. They want a small bottle in the night and we haven’t started weaning that night feeding yet. I know we need to do that soon but to be honest, I just keep putting it off.
Food/Eating: Meredith and Natalie are taking four 5-7 oz bottles a day and drinking one 4oz bottle once a night (typically). We got the ok from their pediatrician at their 9 month appointment to start finger foods and the girls are loving it! So far they’ve had teething biscuits, puffs, yogurt, sweet potato chunks, avocado, banana, pancakes, shredded cheese, and eggs. They seem to have an egg allergy/food sensitivity that we are monitoring closely with their pediatrician and I will update on that next month.
Schedule: The girls are still on a 2 nap schedule and it is working really well for us! We’re slowly increasing their awake time between naps and pushing back their bedtime but a typical day for them is 6:30/7AM to 6:30PM.
Mom and Dad: Overall Chris and I are doing great! Our days are busy and chaotic but we are loving life as parents to our two precious little girls. It has been so fun to see life through their eyes and watch as they discover new things such as rugs and dog tails.
Our goal this year was to go on one date a month and sadly that didn’t happen this month, but hopefully we can get back on track in March! February was a very busy month for us between doctor appointments, our full-time jobs, and parenting. I think we will get better at balancing everything as time goes on. I hope!
And now for more pictures of the babies 🙂
Meredith and Natalie are growing and thriving and we are just so thankful for happy, healthy babies! I can’t believe it’s already time to start planning their first birthday party. Time is flying!
Until next month!
[…] Identical Twins: Ten Month Update […]