Happy Tuesday!
The girls are three months old today! How did that happen? As I was sitting down to write this blog post, I realized it’s been a month since my last post. Time seriously got away from me and I can’t believe I am writing the girls’ three month update. It has been busy around here and I’ll share everything we’ve been up to down below!
Weight/Length: The girls don’t have a pediatrician appointment this month so I’m not sure how long they are, but we think Meredith weighs over 10 pounds.
Clothing Size: She is in 3 month clothing.
Likes: Swinging! Both babies started really loving the swing this month, so we had to buy a second one. Facebook Marketplace to the rescue! We have bought so many baby items there, it’s been great. If you missed my post on how we prepared financially for twins, you can read it HERE. Spoiler alert: buying gently used items was one of the ways.
Dislikes: Still dislikes diaper changes. And she is starting to not like getting her outfits changed too.
Milestones: She’s smiling more and more and it is so cute! I keep trying to get it on camera but it’s hard to catch. Maybe next month! The babies also sat in their sit-me-up chairs for the first time this month.
Weight/Length: Since we don’t have a pediatrician appointment this month, I’m not sure how long Natalie is, but we think she weighs somewhere around 12 pounds.
Clothing Size: 3 months. She’ll be in 3-6 pretty soon I think, maybe even by next month. We’ll see!
Likes: Swinging, just like her sister! I also discovered she likes being naked. One day she was fussy for no apparent reason so I went to check her diaper (which was dry, by the way) and I decided to change her outfit. Well as soon as she was naked, she was happy as a clam! I’m not sure if I should be worried or not… Ha!
Dislikes: Diaper changes. I don’t think she’ll ever learn to like those.
Milestones: Smiling! Again, I keep trying to catch a smile on camera but it’s almost like she knows what I’m doing and stops smiling as soon as the camera comes out. I managed to catch some half smiles though. She also sat in the sit-me-up chair for the first time this month.
Both Girls
Sleep: We have gotten into a good routine this month (more on that below) and the girls are sleeping well! They are sleeping 7pm – 7am with a 10pm dream feeding and another feeding sometime between 3am and 5am, whenever they wake up. The increased sleep has been good for all of us! The girls are starting to fight daytime naps though so that’s been a little bit of a challenge recently. As I mentioned last month, I did start reading 12 Hours Sleep by 12 Weeks and most likely we will implement this strategy when the babies are ready. I’ll keep you all posted on that.
Eating: The babies are still 100% formula fed and I think we finally found a good formula for them. When they were discharged from the hospital we were sent home with instructions to start them on Similac NeoSure because it is a high calorie formula and they were premies. Our pediatrician agreed with this recommendation and we kept the babies on it for 2 months. Throughout those two months, they had tummy troubles and we battled reflux and constipation. At their two month wellness check, our pediatrician was happy with their weight gain and said we could switch off the high calorie formula, woo hoo! We tried another formula for about a week but the babies were spitting up a lot after each feeding so we determined pretty quickly that it wasn’t a good fit for them. After that we switched to Gerber Good Start Soothe which was highly recommended to me by other twin moms and it has been a good fit so far. The babies are noticeably less uncomfortable after eating and their reflux symptoms have mostly gone away. I am hopeful we can stick with this formula for awhile!
Schedule: I am sharing the girls schedule because I personally searched up and down the internet for schedules for twins, trying to determine what would work for us. There has been a lot of trial and error but this is what we’re doing right now and it’s mostly going well! Every day doesn’t go according to plan, but this is what we shoot for at least.
7AM: Wake up for the day. Bottle.
7:30AM – 8:15AM: Awake/Play Time
8:30AM – 10AM: Nap
10AM: Bottle
10:30 – 11:15: Awake/Play Time
11:30 – 1PM: Nap
1PM: Bottle
1:30PM – 2:15PM: Awake/Play Time
2:30PM – 4PM: Nap
4PM: Bottle
4:30PM – 5:15PM: Awake/Play time
5:30PM – 6:30PM: Nap
6:30PM: Bath Time (every other night) and bottles.
7:30PM: Bed
10PM – 10:30 PM: Dream feeding
Sometime between 3AM – 5AM: Babies wake up, have a bottle, and go back to bed.
This schedule is based on their adjusted age of 9 weeks and it’s working well for us right now! The babies are sleeping well at night and are mostly rested and happy during the day. I’m planning to do a ‘Day In The Life’ post soon with more details of how our days go, in case anyone is interested in that. I will continue to update on our schedule as the babies get older and we adjust it accordingly.
Mom and Dad: We are doing great! Chris and I both went back to work over the last few weeks so that has been a transition. But overall, it has gone well. I am very fortunate to be working from home so I am able to see the girls throughout the day and have not had to leave them for an entire day. That has made the transition much easier for me.
As far as my postpartum journey is concerned, I mentioned last month that I was struggling with my new body and I am still working on accepting the new me. I have started working out which has really boosted my mood and I am also following a new meal plan. I always feel better when I am eating well and being somewhat active so I am happy to be getting back into the swing of things. My acne continues to be an issue, but I am absolutely loving the Origins Clear Improvement Pore Clearing Moisturizer I talked about in my update last month. It is really refreshing on my skin and I have been using it daily. My doctor also prescribed me an antibiotic to hopefully get my acne under control and I plan to go to the dermatologist at some point as well. I am trying to make myself a priority, but it is hard with two babies to take care of. They are my number one priority and I am so thankful to be their mom!
And now for some more pictures of the babies!
This has been a really great month for us! The girls are thriving and developing so much right now. Chris and I feel like we are getting our heads above water and starting to get the hang of this parenting thing. I can’t wait to see what month four has in store for us!
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