Happy Wednesday!
Well, once again it has been another month since my last blog post. I have the intention of posting more and I actually have several blog posts drafted, but life is so busy right now it’s hard to find the time to sit down and write. Twin working mom life, right?
I can’t believe the girls are already four months old! Time is flying and I don’t think it’s going to slow down anytime soon. Overall, this fourth month has been great! The last week has been a little bit rough but I think the girls are going through a growth spurt and/or developmental leap. I just cannot believe they are four months old! We are 1/3 of the way through their first year and I get emotional thinking about how fast it’s going. I am doing my best to treasure each and every day because I know I’m going to blink and my babies won’t be babies anymore.
If you want to read the girls’ previous monthly updates, you can find them here:
Without further ado, a recap of month four:

Weight/Length: She weights 12 pounds, 11 ounces and is 23.6 inches long.
Clothing Size: 3 – 6 months! I put away the girls’ 3 month clothes last week and it was so bittersweet looking at all of the clothes that are now too small.
Likes: Going for walks and hanging out in the swing. She likes to look at herself in the mirror too.
Dislikes: Diaper changes. She was not a fan of her four month vaccinations, but who can blame her.
Milestones: Rolling over! She has rolled from tummy to back several times but not consistently yet. She is also smiling and babbling!

Weight/Length: She weighs 14 pounds and is 24.2 inches long.
Clothing Size: 3-6 months! Her and Meredith are wearing the same size clothes and it was sad putting away their 3 month clothes that don’t fit anymore. They are growing so fast!
Likes: Babbling! She is our “talker” and she’s babbling away as I type this. She loves baths too and she has learned how to kick her feet and splash the water. It’s so cute! Even if it leads to a big mess and water everywhere hehe.
Dislikes: Diaper changes and shots. Can’t blame her on either of those.
Milestones: Natalie has also rolled from tummy to back! She rolled first but hasn’t rolled much lately. I guess she decided she’d rather spend tummy time on her actual tummy, ha! Just like her sister, Natalie is smiling and babbling! I wish I knew what they were saying when they “talk”.

Both Girls
Sleep: Really great! We moved them to their room this month, which was bittersweet. They had been sleeping in a pack n play in our room and that worked great for the first few months of their life, but they were approaching the weight limit and it just became clear that they would probably sleep better in their own room. Which they have been! They go to bed around 7pm, we do a dream feed around 10pm, and then they typically sleep until 7am. There is usually a little bit of fussiness in the night and we may have to go in and soothe them and give them a pacifier, but they are sleeping really great overall! Mom and dad are happy about that!
Eating: They are eating really well! They are on the same formula I talked about last month and they’re eating 6 ounces each feeding. We have two growing girls on our hands!
Mom and Dad: Chris and I are doing great! We are getting into a routine of being working parents and that transition is going pretty well I would say. Now that the babies have a consistent bed time of around 7pm, that leaves a few hours each evening for Chris and I to eat dinner and spend time together, which is so nice! We love our girls tremendously but it’s important that we have time as a couple and we get that each evening.
As far as me specifically, I am doing really well! I have talked about my postpartum struggles and how unprepared I was for life after giving birth and this last month I am finally feeling more like myself. My emotions aren’t as all over the place, although I definitely still have my days. But overall I have been in a great mood and really enjoying motherhood. I have been working out and eating well and I am starting to shed the baby weight which is helping me to feel good about myself. It’s definitely a process and I’m not rushing that, but it feels good to be active again! I have a lot on my plate right now but I am focusing on doing the best I can. And I know that it’s enough.
And now for some more pictures of the babies!

I am just so incredibly thankful for these two beautiful babies. They have given my life a new purpose and I am happier than I have ever been. Twin life can be hard but it is SO much fun! I can’t wait to see what the next month brings. And in the meantime, I am planning to get some more blog posts up in the next few weeks, so stay tuned!
[…] Identical Twins: Four Month Update […]