Happy Wednesday! I’m a little late in publishing this post but… #momlife.
How are my babies six months old? I am feeling so emotional this month. We are halfway through the girls’ first year and I just didn’t expect it to go this fast. I feel like we waited for them for so long between Chris’ kidney failure and kidney transplant, our IVF journey, and then a high risk pregnancy. And now that they are finally here, time is going too fast for me. Que the tears.
Ok, now that I’m all cried out, I can get on with this blog post. This last month has been full of so many changes! The girls are growing and developing so fast and it seems like each day they are discovering something new or doing something different. It has been so much fun to watch! I’m so glad that I am documenting their monthly updates so I will have this to look back on in the future.
If you missed the girls’ previous monthly updates, you can find them here:
Our Girls Are Here! Identical Twin C-Section Birth Story
Identical Twins: One Month Update
Identical Twins: Two Month Update
Identical Twins: Three Month Update
Identical Twins: Four Month Update
Identical Twins: Five Month Update
Weight/Length: She weighs 14 pounds, 11 ounces and is 25.2 inches long.
Clothing Size: She is in 6 month clothes! And sometimes 6-9 month depending on the brand.
Likes: She loves mirrors and she has started to love bath time! She splashes and smiles and it is just the cutest thing! She is also loving tummy time.
Dislikes: Teething and six month vaccinations. A few weeks ago, Meredith became very fussy, was chewing on everything, and pulling her ears. After talking to the nurse line at the pediatrician, it seems most likely she is teething, poor baby! She is not a fan and I don’t blame her.
Milestones: Giggling! She giggled for the first time this month and it was the cutest thing I have ever witnessed. Her and Natalie were doing tummy time facing each other and they were both smiling and giggling. I am so thankful I got it on video! The girls also started solids this month, which is a big milestone and I’ll talk about that more below. They went to their first pumpkin patch too!
Noteworthy Items: Meredith has a flat spot on the left side of her head which we noticed within a month of birth. Despite our best efforts, it did not resolve on its own and it was recommended that she wear a docband, aka helmet. She got the docband on September 18th with an approximate timeline of 6-9 weeks of treatment. We are so excited that she made great progress and graduated already! Meredith’s total time spent in the helmet was 5 weeks and we are happy to report she has a nice, round head.
Weight/Length: She weighs 16 pounds, 2 ounces and is 26.2 inches long.
Clothing Size: She is in 6 month clothes! She even wears 6-9 months in certain brands.
Likes: She loves her jumper and playing in the bath tub! She has also discovered her feet this month and is constantly holding them. She’s our little gymnast!
Dislikes: Teething and six month vaccinations. Natalie (so far) hasn’t had as much pain as Meredith with teething, but she is not a fan either. Poor girls, I hope a tooth comes through soon.
Milestones: Giggling! I heard Natalie and Meredith giggle for the first time on the same day and it was adorable! If you don’t follow me on Instagram, you should and you can see the adorable video. My handle is @mandamorgan16. Like her sister, Natalie also started solids this month and I will write more about that below. They visited their first pumpkin patch too!
Both Girls
Sleep: This month has been hit and miss with sleep. I mentioned last month that we were looking into sleep training, but we’ve decided to put it on hold for now. With Meredith wearing her helmet and the girls teething, it just doesn’t seem like the right time to sleep train. Chris and I both agree that if they need a little extra attention in the night right now, we are going to give that to them. We do plan to sleep train at some point within the next few months, we are just waiting for better timing when we think the girls are ready and it will be more successful.
All that being said, they are sleeping pretty well! Some nights we don’t have to go into their room at all and some nights we have to go in a few times for each baby (which adds up to several times total). Most of the time they just want their pacifier and they go right back to sleep, so I am thankful we don’t have to get up for hours at a time.
Food/Eating: The girls are taking 4 bottles a day, anywhere between 6 and 8 ounces each. So they are eating well! They also started solids this month which has been fun. We started with homemade sweet potato puree and then ventured onto banana, butternut squash, apples, and pears. So far butternut squash and pears are their favorite. I have been making their baby food and I plan to do a post on that in the future, so stay tuned!
Schedule: We recently switched to a 4-hour schedule but it’s still a work in progress. I don’t know that we are going to stick with this schedule so once we get to something a little more permanent, I will share it here.
Mom and Dad: Chris and I are doing great! The days are busy but we are loving this season of life. It is so fun and I can’t believe we have two daughters. I am so looking forward to the holidays this year and celebrating with the girls.
As for me specifically, I am doing great overall! I am still working out 6-7 days a week and even though my body is very slow to change postpartum, I am trying to be patient with myself. I went through IVF, got pregnant with twins, carried my girls to 36 weeks, and had a c-section. My body has done some amazing things and I am trying to give myself grace. There is too much pressure to bounce back and lose the baby weight and I am trying to ignore that. I am thankful that Chris is my voice of reason and always tells me how beautiful I am and how much he loves me. He is my biggest supporter!
And now for some more pictures of the babies!
I truly can’t believe our girls are six months old! Time is flying way too fast. There is so much to look forward to in the next couple months with the holidays coming up and I can’t wait to celebrate with the girls. When I dreamed of being a mom, this was one of the things I was most looking forward to!
I can’t wait to see what the next month has in store for us! And I hope to get up a few more blog posts before Meredith and Natalie’s seven month update. Stay tuned!
[…] Identical Twins: Six Month Update […]