Happy Monday!
Well, I had great intentions of writing more blog posts last month, but once again time got away from me. I know I sound like a broken record, but life with 3 kids under 3 is BUSY! I cannot believe Henry is already four months old. Actually, he’s closer to five months than he is to four months because I’m so behind on this post. Oops! He’s coming out of the newborn phase and becoming more interactive by the day. It just goes so fast, it’s mind-boggling.
If you missed his previous monthly posts, you can catch them here:
Our Son’s Birth Story: Singleton C-Section
Weight/Length: He is 11 pounds and 22.4 inches long.
Clothing Size: He’s outgrowing 0-3 month clothes, so he is pretty much in 3 month clothing, but I expect he will outgrow that soon. He’s growing so fast!
Likes: He loves being a part of the family. When he’s awake, he’s happiest if he’s involved in whatever family activity we are doing. He loves watching his sisters and cuddling with his mama.
Dislikes: Henry is not a fan of his car seat or the car. He cries pretty much the second he goes in the car seat.
Sleep: Henry’s sleep is definitely improving! He is starting to give us some 8 hour stretches at night, which is so nice!
Eating: He is taking a 4 ounce bottle every 3 hours during the day and once or twice at night. Our pediatrician switched him to a high calorie formula this month, so we are hoping that will help him gain a little bit more weight.
Schedule: We aren’t following a rigid schedule, but over time, Henry has fallen into somewhat of a routine. Our days go something like this:
7AM: Wake up. Bottle.
Awake Time
8AM: Nap
10AM: Bottle
Awake Time
11:30AM: Nap
1PM: Bottle
Awake Time
2:30PM: Nap
4PM: Bottle
Awake Time
5:30PM: Catnap
6:30PM: Start bath and bedtime routine
7:00PM: Bottle. Bedtime.
Milestones: I don’t know if there are any new milestones this month. Henry is smiling a ton and coo-ing all the time. He’s rolling belly to back, but he’s been doing all of those things for a few months.
Mom and Dad: We are doing well overall! Life is totally busy and chaotic, but we are figuring things out. I would be lying if I said this season of life is easy, but we are taking it one day at a time! The days go by so fast that they start to run together and before you know it, another week or month has gone by. But we are super excited for the holidays and we have lots of fun family activities planned!
And there you have it, another month in the life of Henry. I can’t believe he will be 5 months old this week! Hopefully I can get his five month post up sooner than later. Stay tuned!
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