Hello and Happy Monday!
It’s hard to believe another month has come and gone. I have intentions of writing more blog posts, but time keeps getting away from me. I blinked and Henry is 3 months old! Actually, he’s almost 4 months old and this post is a little delayed. Whoops! Life with 3 kids under 3 is BUSY!
If you missed his previous monthly updates, you can catch them below:
Our Son’s Birth Story: Singleton C-Section
Weight/Length: I’m not sure how long Henry is, but I weighed him and he’s about 9.5 pounds.
Clothing Size: He outgrew newborn clothes and is in 0-3 month clothing now!
Likes: Eating, watching his sisters, hanging out with Mom and Dad.
Dislikes: He doesn’t like diaper changes.
Sleep: Henry’s sleep is hit and miss these days. His naps are a total crapshoot honestly. Some days he naps decently and some days he refuses to nap almost all day. His night sleep seems to be improving though, we are getting some 4-5 hour stretches, which is nice!
Eating: He is eating 4oz bottles every 3 hours during the day and he usually takes two 4oz bottles in the night.
Schedule: We aren’t on a strict schedule with Henry. We try to follow Eat/Play/Sleep every 3 hours or so, but he has two big sisters who are in activities, so some days are more flexible than others.
Milestones: He rolled over this month and is starting to smile!
Mom and Dad: Chris and I are doing well! This month was full of change for us. We both went back to work after 12 weeks off following Henry’s birth. My return to work was short-lived though because I resigned from my job. I am going to be staying home with the kids and I am so thankful this is possible. It’s the best thing for our family right now! I do plan to work part time at some point, so stay tuned for more details on that.
And now for pictures of Henry’s third month of life!
And that’s it, Henry’s third month of life has come and gone! It still amazes me how fast time goes once you have children. I can’t wait to see what’s in store for our family next month!
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