Happy Wednesday!
I am officially in my third trimester! I can’t believe it. Time sometimes seems like it’s flying by, but sometimes it feels like it’s crawling at a snail’s pace. I am enjoying documenting my pregnancy and I think it will be fun to look back on these posts in the future. Hopefully it’s also somewhat helpful to anyone reading this that is expecting identical twins or twins in general. I know all pregnancies are different, but this is what I have experienced.
Today I am sharing my second trimester identical twin pregnancy recap! If you missed my first trimester recap, you can read it HERE.
Thirteen Weeks: I started to feel a little bit better during this time. I was still nauseous and having a lot of food aversions, but I was able to eat more and slowly started gaining back some of the weight I had lost in the first trimester. The two anti-vomiting medications I was on (Diclegis and Zofran) were helping.
Fourteen Weeks: Chris and I traveled to San Diego for our friends’ wedding! It was the last travel we had planned before the babies arrive so we made the most of it. We rode scooters by the ocean and enjoyed a yummy lunch next to the beach in La Jolla. And we had a great time catching up with our friends at their wedding. It was a beautiful ceremony and we sure have missed them! You can read the rest of my recap HERE.
This week we also had our first appointment with our Maternal Fetal Medicine (MFM) specialist. We really like her and the staff at her office and feel that we are in great hands. They did a very detailed ultrasound and we were relieved to find out that our girls were looking great and growing well! We even got to do a 3D ultrasound which was truly incredible.
Fifteen Weeks: The vomiting returned this week, so that wasn’t fun. Zofran does help and it prevents me from throwing up all day, so I was still able to keep some food down. But I felt pretty awful.
Sixteen Weeks: We had another appointment with our MFM this week and the girls look good! We will be seeing our MFM and OBGYN every 2 weeks for now. Both appointments went well this week!
Seventeen Weeks: Vomiting continued this week. I keep waiting for this second trimester burst of energy my friends have told me about, but so far… it’s not happening. Granted, I am not throwing up all day every day anymore, but I am still throwing up most days and it is just not fun. I am taking 2 anti-vomiting medications and they help, but it turns out I am just one of those sick pregnant women. I know it will 100% be worth it and of course, I will go through months of being sick to make sure our girls are safe and growing perfectly. But in all honesty, I am tired of throwing up.
In fun news, we painted the nursery this week! And by we, I mean Chris and my mom. I was not allowed to paint, so I supervised instead. I am so excited to start putting the girls’ nursery together! Chris and I ordered their cribs on Cyber Monday when they were on sale. They’re on backorder, but I am anxiously waiting for them to ship so we can put them together. It’s going to be so crazy to see our old guest room turned into a nursery. Gosh, I can’t wait!
Eighteen Weeks: I was still sick and vomiting this week. Nothing new to report there.
We had appointments with our MFM and OBGYN this week and they both went well! The girls are growing well and weighing in at 8 ounces and 9 ounces. I am so glad we get to see them every 2 weeks and check on them. It gives my anxious heart a little relief.
This week also marked the halfway point in my pregnancy! Since the girls are Mo/Di twins (read more about that HERE) we expect them to be born around 36 weeks. So, we are halfway there!
Nineteen Weeks: I had never experienced heartburn in my life until this week and it was brutal! I woke up from a nap feeling like my chest was on fire and was genuinely confused about what was going on. So of course, I googled my symptoms, and Google told me I was having a heart attack. Thankfully, it turned out to be terrible heartburn and it eventually went away the next day. I am hoping this won’t be a regular occurrence in my pregnancy. Fingers crossed!
Twenty Weeks: This was the week of Christmas! It was a low-key holiday and I had fun celebrating with family. I also finally started feeling better and was able to keep more food down. In super exciting news, I felt the babies kick this week too! I have an anterior placenta so it took a while for me to feel definitive movement from them, but it finally happened in Week 20 and I was so excited. It is so amazing feeling tiny little kicks and knowing our girls are growing inside me.
We had doctors’ appointments with our MFM and OBGYN this week too and everything continued to look good, which we are so thankful for!
Twenty-One Weeks: This was a pretty uneventful week. I ran out of one of my prescriptions for anti-nausea medicine and was able to make do with the remaining prescription and still keep food down. So, that was a small miracle!
I also felt more consistent kicks and movement from the babies and loved every second of it. I am hoping Chris will be able to feel them soon! Every once in awhile, one of them kicks hard enough that I can feel it on the outside of my stomach with my hand, but so far we haven’t caught a big kick with Chris around. Hopefully soon!
Twenty-Two Weeks: I had 2 doctors’ appointments this week. The girls are sharing nicely which is a relief! They are being measured for growth once a month and at this appointment Baby A weighed 1 pound and Baby B weighed 1 pound 4 ounces. So, they are definitely growing! Our MFM is happy with how they are doing, which is always good to hear.
My OBGYN is happy with how things are going as well and we are going to continue with the schedule of seeing me every 2 weeks until I hit 28 weeks, at which point I will start getting weekly ultrasounds.
Twenty-Three Weeks: Chris felt the babies kick this week! It was so cool to watch him feel our daughters kicking. It is just indescribable. This is my favorite part of pregnancy by far.
We also bought a double stroller this week. Guess that officially makes us twin parents, huh? I had been researching strollers and went to Buy Buy Baby to see my top contenders in person and wheel them around the store. Then I searched Facebook Marketplace and found the double stroller I wanted in barely used condition for half of the price. Win-win! I plan to do a post in the future on how we are preparing for twins financially, so stay tuned for that!
Twenty-Four Weeks: We had doctors’ appointments this week and they both went well! The girls looked great at our MFM appointment. They were moving a lot and we could even see that they had already started using their lungs, a few weeks early! Our doctor said she expects to see this at 26 weeks but we saw it at 24 weeks, which Chris and I thought was awesome. We love our girls so much already!
My appointment with my OBGYN went well too. I got scheduled for my glucose test in a few weeks and I also talked to my doctor about my birth plan. A c-section is the safest delivery for me and the babies, so we are planning on delivering that way. I trust my doctor completely and feel confident that this is the best decision for us.
This was also the week Chris and I officially named the babies! Sorry to disappoint you, we are not planning to announce their names to the world until they are born, but we are sharing with family and friends. It took us several months to finalize their names, but it’s so nice that we can now call them by name instead of Baby A and Baby B.
Twenty-Five Weeks: This week was pretty uneventful. Except that I totally felt like a hormonal pregnant woman and cried several times this week. Mostly over small things that don’t matter, but the hormones are definitely making me emotional.
I also had Chris take an “official” bump picture. I have been slacking on these, I need to be better at documenting how my body is growing and changing.
Twenty-Six Weeks: We had an appointment with our MFM this week and got to see the babies! They both look great, have plenty of fluid, and are sharing nicely. Their measurements were taken too and Baby A is 2 pounds, 2 ounces and Baby B is 2 pounds, 6 ounces. Great news! The girls are growing well and following the singleton growth chart. We also saw Baby A drinking and both babies practicing using their lungs. All good signs! We are so, so thankful!
Twenty-Seven Weeks: We had our hospital tour this week, which was actually very informative. Chris and I weren’t sure what to expect but we got a lot of really helpful information. We now know where to go in the hospital and what to expect during our stay. It’s starting to get real that we are bringing home babies in just a few months!
Well, that wraps up the second trimester of my identical twin pregnancy. We are so thankful that everything is continuing to go well and we are moving full-steam ahead preparing for our new arrivals! We have a couples shower coming up and we are working diligently on their nursery, so stay tuned for more pregnancy posts in the future. We have 8 weeks or less until we meet our baby girls!
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